Hi andy.s,
there is surely no "correct" answer to your questions, since different people prefer different flavours.
I - imho - would change some sizes:
For desktop machines, I never had need for so big root partitions. My standard root size is between 15 and 20 gig _including "/usr"_. Do you have special plans that require 70 gig in "/usr"?
I usually need most space on my home directories...
Dividing the home directories from the system directories is surely a good idea.
For a desktop machine with no special aims, I would size your partitions as following:
/: 20 gig
swap: double size of my RAM
/home: Remaining space, about 170gig
I like to preserve an unused partition to install new opersting systems... E.g., if my distribution releases a new version, I install the new version on a blank partition, keeping my current working system as long, as I need to get the new one working productive for me. This leads to following:
/: 20 gig (usually 15 gig are really enough)
unused: 20 gig (usually 15 gig are really enough)
swap: double size of my RAM
/home: Remaining space, about 150gig
I also like the idea to divide system specific files (that is: nearly all .* files, e.g.) in my home directory from independent files (that is: My documents, music, e.g).
I think, I can change my operating system more quickly, since I leave all "dependent" files on my old system. I only copy and adapt a small amount of "dependant" files.
I have to admit, that some people don't like this idea. ;-)
Anyway, if doing so, I would partition as following, keeping in mind, that this layout is not very multi-user-friendly:
/: 20 gig (usually 15 gig are really enough)
unused: 20 gig (usually 15 gig are really enough)
swap: double size of my RAM
/home/myowndir/documents: Remaining space, about 150gig
Finally I wrote much more than intended initially. Thanks four your patience. ;-)