netgear ma-111
well.. i have this wlan card and i cant get it to work. (im using SuSE 9.2 pro btw)
i dont belive this is one of those stupid n00b mistakes, but i might be wrong. so i looked up the turorial and got the linux-wlan-ng pagaes and all.. and did
make config and answered all the stuff using the defaults cuase the applied to my case, and then did make all and make install
then i copied the source form /etc/wlan/wlancfg-DEFAULT to /etc/wlan/wlancfg-MyNetwork
and changed the wlan.conf so that that the ssid was "MyNetwork"
and added alias wlan0 prism2_usb to modules.conf
but it still doesnt work....and when i do a iwconfig it doesnt show up and it still doesnt show up when i don a ifconfig. and the worst thing is that i still cant connect the the net w/ it.. however the light does flash as if it were configured right.. however i dont know how to tell if it is connected or not.. so... any ideas?