LVM Partitioning
Hi everyone.
I am configuring a multiboot system (Window XP + Fedora 8 + Debian Ecth). Windows XP is already installed. My HDD space is 40GB. I will use 10GB for Windows, 15 GB for Fedora and 15 GB for Debian.
Being newbie I can`t preview what is the size that I will need for any partition except /swap and /boot, the only thing I know is that I will study programming and databases, and collect large files containing images, music and video.
Using only a / and swap partition tends to produce a security risk, because if the system is compromised, it will be compromised in its entirety. /tmp is typically world writable, for instance. If exist a runaway log process because something bad is happening the system that we know about it, log files will be generated (sometimes at the rate of 1/sec) until the entire / partition is filled up, and the system crashes. If we want to upgrade to a more recent Linux distribution, and we perform a full re-install, /home directory will be blown away, unless we completely backup all of your files first, which could be a pain. So there is the necessity to create several partitions, but it depends of the unknown needs which I will face.
0.1 What partitions are more useful?
0.2 What partitions do you reccomend considering the point of view referred before?
0.3 If I had only /swap, /boot and / where the aditional and eventual data would be stored?
I know minimum partitions sizes for / (250MG), /usr (250MB), /tmp (50MB), /var (384 MB), /home (100 MB) and /boot (75 MB) partitions related with Fedora 8:
1.1 If the size of Fedora ISO DVD image more than 3GB where will be stored all data with minimum partitions sizes?
1.2 What are the minimum sizes of partitions to install everything?
Using LVM tools we can grow shrink, and manage disk space and monitoring the system we can avoid to fill up partitions.
2.1 Is this statement correct?
2.2 Can I delete data if the space is compromised (for example programs that are not being used)?
2.3 Can we easily predict when a partition will be filled up?
2.4 Can occur an irreversible damage in the system if a partition is filled up?
2.5 What`s the behaviour of the system if a partition is filled up?
Thanks in Advance.