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Old 03-03-2005, 08:56 AM   #1
Registered: Feb 2005
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Kernal Compilation

i am using mandrake 10.0 KDE.

i am interested in CUSTUM KERNAL COMPILATION ...
where can i get the full documentation..

my basic doubt is....

is the kernal is same for all OS (like mandrake ,suse,redhat etc)?
and what is patch?
downloading the kernal like 2.6.11 is enough or any should be download for the
custum kernal compilation???

thanks for lot of help
Old 03-03-2005, 09:34 AM   #2
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about kernel compilation, go to the linux documentation project site
is the kernal is same for all OS (like mandrake ,suse,redhat etc)?
GNU/Linux is an OS... mandrake, Suse, RH... are only Linux distros
and no the kernel is not the same for all these distros: first the version differs, second their developpers apply their own patch to the kernel.
and what is patch?
patch is an utilitary to apply a patch to kernel/software sources. So to really enable a patch, you need to recompile your kernel/software.
downloading the kernal like 2.6.11 is enough or any should be download for the
custum kernal compilation???
that should be enough

Old 03-03-2005, 10:16 AM   #3
Registered: Jan 2005
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I don't mean this to be in any way an offence, but I'm just wondering so many people say kernal instead of kernel ? I understand English isn't the native language of many members of this forum but this is a very often met mistake.
is the kernal is same for all OS (like mandrake ,suse,redhat etc)?
Theoretically, you, as a end-user, can have installed several distros on your machine and for each one to compile the same kernel, downloaded from (the so called pristine sources) and this way you could say that you have the same kernel on each distro. Otherwise, what Oliv' replied is perfectly true.
Old 03-03-2005, 06:06 PM   #4
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Kernel compilation isn't really that hard, just make sure you go through every option and check that you compile in your correct drivers, I missed my network adapter once and got kinda shitty


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