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Old 06-29-2014, 05:37 AM   #1
Registered: May 2013
Posts: 229

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how to itterate though a list of results - and store int to db

hello dear linux-experts

just new to perl - i want to run this little 16 liner and do some things with it.

i want to run the script to spit out all the ppl that belong to the name

that begin with an a.
that begin with an b.
that begin with an c.

guess that this can be done with the method authors...()

hmm -do i have to run it like so:

  my $author = $p->author('A');
is this the correct way - how to itterate through a list ( a 16 liner ) for beginners

see here the full script

  use Parse::CPAN::Authors;

  # must have downloaded
  my $p = Parse::CPAN::Authors->new("01mailrc.txt.gz");
  # either a filename as above or pass in the contents of the file
  my $p = Parse::CPAN::Authors->new($mailrc_contents);

  my $author = $p->author('A');
  # $a is a Parse::CPAN::Authors::Author object
  # ... objects are returned by Parse::CPAN::Authors
  print $author->email, "\n";   #
  print $author->name, "\n";    # Leon Brocard
  print $author->pauseid, "\n"; # LBROCARD

  # all the author objects
  my @authors = $p->authors;

love to hear from you


the first gives out nothing

  use Parse::CPAN::Authors;

  # must have downloaded
  my $p = Parse::CPAN::Authors->new("01mailrc.txt.gz");
  # either a filename as above or pass in the contents of the file
  my $p = Parse::CPAN::Authors->new($mailrc_contents);

  my $author = $p->author('LBROCARD');
  # $a is a Parse::CPAN::Authors::Author object
  # ... objects are returned by Parse::CPAN::Authors
  print $author->email, "\n";   #
  print $author->name, "\n";    # Leon Brocard
  print $author->pauseid, "\n"; # LBROCARD

  # all the author objects
  my @authors = $p->authors;

the second gives out a bunch of a list:


use strict;
use warnings;
use YAML;
use YAML::Dumper;
use Parse::CPAN::Authors;

my $list = '01mailrc.txt.gz'; 

my $p = Parse::CPAN::Authors->new( $list );
my @authors = $p->authors;

my $dumper = YAML::Dumper->new;
print $dumper->dump({dump => $p});

well how to change the script that it gives out

a. only the authors which name begin with a
b. only the authors which name begin with b
b. only the authors which name begin with c

by the way - we can store the data - instead of printing

@authors is an array of objects. we need to loop over that array and insert each author's info into the DB.

we could use the Data:umper module to inspect/review the structure of the @authors array. For example, if we add a print Dumper \@authors; statement our output would look like this:

But instead of printing the data, we would insert it into the db.

The DB table will need the 3 fields to hold the author's ID, name, and email address.

the questions are:

how to create the database?
how to connect to the database from our script?
how to write the insert statement?

well and now i am just reading over the DBI manual[/QUOTE]
Old 06-29-2014, 10:14 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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Originally Posted by sayhello_to_the_world View Post
hello dear linux-experts
just new to perl - i want to run this little 16 liner and do some things with it.
No,'ve been posting perl questions for over a year now. You're not 'new' to it.
i want to run the script to spit out all the ppl that belong to the name

that begin with an a.
that begin with an b.
that begin with an c.

guess that this can be done with the method authors...() hmm -do i have to run it like so:
  my $author = $p->author('A');
is this the correct way -
Again, as with other threads you've posted about programming/scripting, if it works, it's the 'correct way'. But in this case, no, it isn't because you (again), didn't read the documentation or show effort of your own, as you've been asked to MANY times, and keep saying you will. If you did read the CPAN documentation, you'd see that the "author" function does what it returns ONE AUTHOR. If you want to return several, the "authorS" tag does that...which is clearly documented.
how to itterate through a list ( a 16 liner ) for beginners see here the full script
  use Parse::CPAN::Authors;

  # must have downloaded
  my $p = Parse::CPAN::Authors->new("01mailrc.txt.gz");
  # either a filename as above or pass in the contents of the file
  my $p = Parse::CPAN::Authors->new($mailrc_contents);

  my $author = $p->author('A');
  # $a is a Parse::CPAN::Authors::Author object
  # ... objects are returned by Parse::CPAN::Authors
  print $author->email, "\n";   #
  print $author->name, "\n";    # Leon Brocard
  print $author->pauseid, "\n"; # LBROCARD

  # all the author objects
  my @authors = $p->authors;
Sorry, that is NOT the 'full script' is a PART of a script that you (again), directly lifted from another this case, CPAN. The full script is on this page:
...with the snippet that you posted here:
update; the first gives out nothing
  use Parse::CPAN::Authors;

  # must have downloaded
  my $p = Parse::CPAN::Authors->new("01mailrc.txt.gz");
  # either a filename as above or pass in the contents of the file
  my $p = Parse::CPAN::Authors->new($mailrc_contents);

  my $author = $p->author('LBROCARD');
  # $a is a Parse::CPAN::Authors::Author object
  # ... objects are returned by Parse::CPAN::Authors
  print $author->email, "\n";   #
  print $author->name, "\n";    # Leon Brocard
  print $author->pauseid, "\n"; # LBROCARD

  # all the author objects
  my @authors = $p->authors;
the second gives out a bunch of a list:

use strict;
use warnings;
use YAML;
use YAML::Dumper;
use Parse::CPAN::Authors;

my $list = '01mailrc.txt.gz'; 

my $p = Parse::CPAN::Authors->new( $list );
my @authors = $p->authors;

my $dumper = YAML::Dumper->new;
print $dumper->dump({dump => $p});
The first is only a code snippet, and won't run at all, the way you posted it. The second is returning some data, but you don't actually bother POSTING what it returned. How do you think we can help with anything, when you don't post the relevant details???? Based on what you posted, it would seem to return ALL the authors, since that's exactly what you're asking it to do. If so, then put a conditional check in to look at the first character of the name returned, and if it matches, do something with it.
well how to change the script that it gives out

a. only the authors which name begin with a
b. only the authors which name begin with b
b. only the authors which name begin with c
You examine the output, and act accordingly, just like you would for any other variable.
by the way - we can store the data - instead of printing

@authors is an array of objects. we need to loop over that array and insert each author's info into the DB. we could use the Data:umper module to inspect/review the structure of the @authors array. For example, if we add a print Dumper \@authors; statement our output would look like this: But instead of printing the data, we would insert it into the db.

The DB table will need the 3 fields to hold the author's ID, name, and email address.
the questions are:
how to create the database?
However you want...since you've asked many MySQL questions before, as well as several about both Perl and PHP interacting with MySQL, you have THREE methods. Pick one.
how to connect to the database from our script?
how to write the insert statement?
Go and look at any of your other threads where you asked about this, or any of the many, MANY thousands of examples you can find on Google.
well and now i am just reading over the DBI manual
You should have already done that, since you said you were going to several times in the past, and you were even going to come back and post your solution:

...which still hasn't happened. need to start showing some actual effort of your own, and show that you're learning something. Asking almost identical questions over and over (like how to connect to MySQL, create a database, etc), is pointless. If you can't apply anything that you've learned, then please just hire someone to do this work for you.

Last edited by TB0ne; 06-29-2014 at 10:15 AM.


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