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Old 01-19-2017, 01:07 AM   #16
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Thank you Desgnator. I think I now understand the concept.
Old 01-19-2017, 01:32 AM   #17
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It's been over a decade since I had mine done in the US. But go to a proper photographer (or at least one with the gear). I had mine done at a walmart, with a special camera on special film, polaroid style. It spits out a double picture, one for their (big brothers) records, one to be physically cut to be put on the passport. That plus other documents, some money, some more money to get it back in your lifetime, and you'll have a passport in your hand at least six or more weeks later(express service). Note that it'll probably take several hours for the picture to be taken as the photographer will have to call someone to check, check, and double check how to use this funky camera they might have seen once in their lifetime. Depending on how many decades they've been taking pictures.

But to the original question, you can scale the image to a higher resolution, add some rgb noise, and save again with less compression. Which probably wont be good enough (again). So pay to have it done properly. Even after "events" around here, a passport is good for a decade. So it's not that much if you divide it by days of potential use. And depending on where you travel to, you might not even need it (until you do). On the cruise I took the boat ID/room key was as good as a passport. Although you were never really in one location long enough to really bother leaving the boat. And that was in the mid-00's. Either way, when lead by the grand shepherd aka big bro, act like the sheep they expect you to be, or be forever "special" in their eyes.
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Old 01-19-2017, 11:31 AM   #18
LQ Newbie
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Thank you Shadow7. The problem arose because in the UK the passport agency now accept on line renewals but this requires applicants to upload a new digital photo. I shall go into town and have it taken, saved on a stick then upload it. I was keen to use a short cut with my phone but clearly that is not possible.


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