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Old 01-18-2005, 06:42 AM   #1
Registered: Jan 2005
Distribution: Fedora 5, Debian
Posts: 56

Rep: Reputation: 15
Help with compiling rdesktop on a 64 bit machine

Hello all,

I'm new to linux although I love it so much I've stuck it on my PC at work and intend to run any windows applications I need in a virtual machine!! My PC at work has a 64 bit processor so I downloaded FC3 - 64 (got FC3 on my lappy). The installation was smooth as the laptop but when I came to compile rdesktop (from www DOT rdesktop DOT org) to connect to my server I get the following error:

gcc -DKEYMAP_PATH=\"/usr/local/share/rdesktop/keymaps/\" -Wall -O2 -I/usr/X11R6/include -DWITH_OPENSSL -DWITH_RDPSND -o rdesktop rdesktop.o xwin.o xkeymap.o ewmhints.o xclip.o cliprdr.o rdpsnd.o rdpsnd_oss.o tcp.o iso.o mcs.o secure.o licence.o rdp.o orders.o bitmap.o cache.o rdp5.o channels.o rdpdr.o serial.o printer.o -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lcrypto -lX11
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/X11R6/lib/ when searching for -lX11
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.a when searching for -lX11
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lX11
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [rdesktop] Error 1

Ok I've inlcuded a few more lines than just the error but you get the idea. I have a feeling that this must be something I've not installed but can't find out what it is. I've searched the web using google for the error but no pages were found.

Can anyone tell me what is missing and how to resolve it? Would really appreciate it.

Also is it worth running the 64-bit version of FC3 or shall I just use the normal 32 bit? Is there much of a performance increase? Has anyone had any experience runnin VMWare 4.5 in the FC3-64?? That's my next task so would love to know if it's going to work or any hints and tips anyone has.

Thanks in advance.
Old 01-18-2005, 11:16 AM   #2
Registered: Jan 2005
Distribution: Fedora 5, Debian
Posts: 56

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15
Ooo.. that feels so good!!! Eurika!!

I can't believe I actually fixed it... ok so if anyone else is having this problem this is the fix...

In the read me it tells you to execute ./configure from the command line. This actually prepares all the required files to compile the program (I think). Basically there are two lib directories within the "X11R6" folder inside /usr. One is called lib which is the default one that doesn't work. The other is called lib64 which must contain the correct extensions for the 64-bit processor (I'm really guessing now) all you have to do is this:

Open up the configure file inside the rdesktop src code in your favorite editor and find following code:

if [ $xdir != "/usr" ]; then
cflags="$cflags -I$xdir/include"
ldflags="$ldflags -L$xdir/lib"

All you have to do is change the third line to read ...xdir/lib64 so you end up with:

if [ $xdir != "/usr" ]; then
cflags="$cflags -I$xdir/include"
ldflags="$ldflags -L$xdir/lib64"

Now re-run the configure, then the make and finally the make install and it should all work

Hope this helps someone in the future.


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