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Old 03-02-2005, 01:07 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 1

Rep: Reputation: 0
Getting started with FC3, need help with Sendmail-Cyrus

So I've installed FC3 for the second time to get a clean install.

Selected to install all packages for Sendmail and Cyrus. All updates have been installed from Up2Date.

sendmail service is running, but I can't telnet to 25. On top of that, cyrus-imapd service won't even start.

I'm running this server from home and have dyndns back to my router for my domain:

I don't have the MX record pointed here yet, because I still want to recieve email on my current server while I'm folling around with this.

I've searched all over and found numerous howto's on every aspect of sendmail and cyrus, but none have explained it well for FC3 installs.

One post mentioned that once you install the RPMs that came with FC3, there are just 2 lines to change in the and you're off and running. Well... hmmm... If he only mentioned what those 2 lines where.

This is my first deviation into the Linux world. I've been an NT/Win2K admin for the last 10 years.

If anyone has done a setup of Sendmail-Cyrus and possibly OpenWebMail on FC3, I would really like to pick your brain.

Old 03-03-2005, 06:29 AM   #2
Registered: Feb 2004
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Distribution: RHEL, Ubuntu, Solaris 11, NetBSD, OpenBSD
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Rep: Reputation: 43

I haven't carried out this installation myself, but I might be able to help.

sendmail service is running, but I can't telnet to 25
With regards to being able to telnet to port 25, have you checked what iptables is doing? I use FC3 on my desktop at work at the moment, and if I remember correctly, depending on what you selected during install, you can end up with a fairly restrictive policy on your machine.

It's essentially a firewall, and you can view what you have set up with
iptables -L
cyrus-imapd service won't even start.
What error messages are you getting when trying to start this up? If it's not logging it to the console, it should be in the messages file, or syslog. If you could post that here, it could be helpful in solving your problems.




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