Of course. Like unSpawn already said, you
should always test the command inside a test directory before putting it inside a cron job. Be aware that using -delete implies -depth, so all the sub-directories inside the specified path will be searched too.
If an error occurs during deletion, find prints an error message that you could log in a way like this:
find [...] &>> /path/where/to/log/file
This way, delete errors get appended to the log file you specify.
To log the files that got successfully deleted you can't use the -delete command anymore because it only prints a message when something goes wrong, but you could use something like this:
find /Test -type f -name "*.txt" -mtime +90 -exec rm -vf {} &>> /path/where/to/log/file \;
The -v option to rm makes it print a message every time a file is successfully deleted.
The -r rm option you previously specified is useless in this context because you're searching for regular files, not directories.