1.If I type 'packettracer' in terminal, it open and I can work on that app.
2. I extracted the file using tar command and installed by using the sudo ./install.
3 Linux OS detail: No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Peppermint
Description: Peppermint 7 Seven
Release: 7
Codename: xenial
4.The link you have given is where I have downloaded that app.
5. I found packettracer file in /usr/share/applications/ which contain the text below.
[Desktop Entry]
Name= Packettracer
GenericName=Cisco Packettracer
Originally Posted by ondoho
doesn't it work ok from the command line?
how did you install it, which version?
which linux distro?
fwiw, this is the app in question: http://www.netacad.com/about-network.../packet-tracer
what i see is lots of qt4 dependencies, so it's not a command line app.
you should look at the app's *.desktop file, most likely /usr/share/applications/packettracer.desktop
if it isn't that, look at the list of installed files, that will tell you where the desktop file is.
open the .desktop file in a plain text editor, and have a look at the Exec= line. Post it here.