Creating launcher of executable file-Ubuntu
Hi everyone,
I am attempting to created a desktop shortcut(launcher) for the Project Alice Program. In Linux the "run-alice" link which activates the Alice Program executes a java script which references serveral local folders and files. Some of these references seem to complied into the java classes so execution MUST take place in the install directory.
So I created an executable script with the following lines:
cd /"location of run-alice"/
I named this script RUNALICE. Then I created a desktop shortcut to run RUNALICE.
If I open up a terminal window and activate this desktop shortcut from the command line, it works perfectly (note- I am NOT activating the shortcut from the Alice install directory. It really is doing what I want it to). BUT if I simply double click on it from the desktop nothing happens. No error, no activity, nothing.
Project Alice is a program designed to be used by children. The children we are introducing it to will not be familiar with Linux or command line programming. I really want to give them a desktop shortcut to click on.
Can anyone tell me if there is a way to do this? I am new to Linux and I have to say its a big disappointment that a simple shortcut has become such a big deal. After a seamless OS install and Alice program download, this final detail has kept me working for hours without success. Please let me know what I am missing.