Enable the 'other' bits for the directories and files.
chmod -R o+rwx <target directory>
This command will give all users full access. You might consider using rw access for files and not enabling the executable bit. You do need the executable bit enabled for directories. The 'x' bit is overloaded. For directories, it allows one to enter the directory.
You could do it this way:
find <target-directory> -type f -exec chmod o+rwx "{}" \;
find <target-directory> -type d -exec chmod o+rwx "{}" \;
If the directory is a partition with the fat32 filesystem, then you need to change the permissions in the /etc/fstab entry, by using the fmask and dmask options. For example 'fmask=001,dmask=000,noexec' will give read/write access to everyone, but not allow execution of files contained in the filesystem.