I have a LOT of questions about Linux, but the MOST important to me is the distro that has the ham radio
proggies in it so I can use it with my Icom 706 MarkII-G.
I do plan to use Digipan, PSK-64, BPSK and J-65 digital modes. I'm running for the present a Dell 2400 with WIN
EcksPee I hear that since HRD was taken over, they are having "problems" with the commercial version (6.?)
Now, the question is which distro has the ham software and is easy to install and use. I'm
medically retired and my liver puts out too much ammonia an causes me to 'forget' or not understand what I read or hear..
The Dell 2400 has 2 CD's. One is just a 'player' the other is a burner/player/re-burner. They are in the case, but not hooked up, so I will have to download the Linux version on to a 4 gig, thumb drive and install it on a "blank" 120 mb hard drive to be swapped out when ever I want to run WNDBLOW$, which should be very little.
Are there any "suggestions"?
Thanks for LQ^QKing,
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