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Old 01-12-2005, 09:53 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2005
Posts: 4

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Red face apache not taking external request

Hi there, wonder if someone can help me out. Think my cable modem is blocking http request coming from the web. I have a linux box doing masquerading and I'm able to access my server internally using my public IP. However, if i try accessing the site outside the network, I get a site not responding error.

My cable modem is a Motorola SB5100, when i access the configuration page of the modem. I don't see any option to block http traffic. The modem came from my ISP (Adelphia). Do you think if i replace the modem that would solve the problem?


Thx for all the help...

Last edited by kevsco77; 01-12-2005 at 09:55 AM.
Old 01-12-2005, 11:06 AM   #2
Registered: Jul 2003
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Re: apache not taking external request

Originally posted by kevsco77
Hi there, wonder if someone can help me out. Think my cable modem is blocking http request coming from the web. I have a linux box doing masquerading and I'm able to access my server internally using my public IP. However, if i try accessing the site outside the network, I get a site not responding error.

My cable modem is a Motorola SB5100, when i access the configuration page of the modem. I don't see any option to block http traffic. The modem came from my ISP (Adelphia). Do you think if i replace the modem that would solve the problem?


Thx for all the help...
Do you have a firewall between your modem and the server? Are you forwarding port 80 to your server? You will need to forward port 80 in order for you NAT cable modem or firewall to pass outside traffice to your server.
Old 01-12-2005, 04:13 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2005
Posts: 4

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Rep: Reputation: 0
Hey Ram, I found the problem. ISP was blocking port 80. Thx for your help.



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