wu-ftpd: guest user configuration
I am running wu-ftpd on RH8.0. I am learning to set up guest user configuration. I have read many documents regarding that and what I understood from there is that we can set up guest configuration in two ways
1. using system wide passwd file (/etc/passwd) which contains the guest user's home directory in below format.
/guest user's chroot dir/./guest user's home directory relative to chroot dir
2. other way is to use guest-root directive in /etc/ftpaccess file
guest-root /home/users guest
which will chroot the guest user 'guest' in /home/users directory.
Am I correct?
Now the question is do I REALLY need to create bin, lib and etc dir in /home/users for 'guest' to login and listing and transfering files?? Because I
could login as 'guest' even without creating these directories. Just setting guest-root directive to correct chroot seems to be enough if I want chroot 'ed dir to be same as the initial directory of logged in guest user.
Please please reply soon. I have read many documnets but none talks about such scenario.
Thanks & Regards,