I ran top while running netio in a different GNU Screen.
CPU usage was ~1%
I thought maybe this could be a factor, since this is a quite old computer.
AMD Athlon XP 2900+, at 2GHz with 2GB DDR
I'm not that great when it comes to Linux stuff, but after researching I tried disabling tx offloading just to see if it would help.
When I ran:
sudo ethtool -K eth0 tx off
I got:
Cannot change tx-checksumming
Could not change any device features
I tried setting up an FTP server on the xubuntu computer, and the results were the same.
I keep thinking that Linux is the problem, but maybe instead Windows is some how the problem.
I still can not understand why speeds to/from the xubuntu computer are fine with another linux OS,
but TCP with Windows is slow. I'm going to try an older version of Ubuntu and maybe other distros and see if it has anything to do with me upgrading to Ubuntu Utopic 14.10.
Well, I feel like quite an idiot.
I did a reset of all the routers in the environment, and sure enough everything is working fine now.
I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier.
I'll close this thread now.
Thanks again for the help everyone.