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Old 09-21-2005, 11:29 PM   #1
Registered: Oct 2003
Distribution: Ubuntu "Hoary" - The best distro around by a long shot.
Posts: 116

Rep: Reputation: 15
Very Strange Samba Issue

Hi all,

I run a Samba file server at work, and have been having a strange problem of late.

On the server, we have various shares. Different users have access to different things, and the security is all setup as user-level (based on the groups the user is part of). When it was first setup (twoish months ago), everything worked fine. If I tried to access a share without being in the proper groups, it wouldn't go. If you browsed to them or typed in the path to them, it would give you an error.

However, starting last week or so, everyone can access every share. Doesn't matter what groups they're part of, they can get to any of the Samba shares just by browsing to them. I haven't changed anything on the server, so I have no idea what the problem is. The permissions on the files and the user/group setup is exactly the same as it was.

Anyone have any ideas?
Old 09-22-2005, 04:59 AM   #2
Red Hat India
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Hi CanadianPenguin,
can you please post your configuration file and the output of the command "testparm". please feel free to contact.
Old 09-23-2005, 12:39 AM   #3
Registered: Oct 2003
Distribution: Ubuntu "Hoary" - The best distro around by a long shot.
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Originally posted by vimal
Hi CanadianPenguin,
can you please post your configuration file and the output of the command "testparm". please feel free to contact.
Absolutely. smb.conf:
# Global configuration
	# Stuff about this machine
	workgroup = company
	netbios name = sbox
	server string = Company Server

# We're not using a domain right now, but this trash is neccessary for access lists
	# Domain controller stuff
	domain master = yes
	local master = yes
	preferred master = yes
	time server = yes
	os level = 65
	add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /var/lib/nobody -s /bin/false %u
	# Logon stuff
	domain logons = yes
	security = user
	passdb backend = tdbsam
	encrypt passwords = yes
	username level = 5
	username map = /etc/samba/smbusermap
	logon path = \\%L\profiles\%U
	logon script = logon.bat
	logon drive = no
	logon home = \\%L\%U\.win_profile
	# Network stuff
	wins support = yes
	bind interfaces only = yes
	interfaces = eth1
	hosts allow =
	hosts deny = ALL
	name resolve order = host
	dns proxy = no

	# Share stuff
	load printers = no
	hide dot files = yes
	hide unreadable = yes
	wide links = no
	public = no
	admin users = @tech
	hide files = .*/resource.frk/Network Trash Folder/TheVolumeSettingsFolder
	hide special files = yes
	browseable = no
	nt acl support = no

# Domain controller shares
	comment = Network Logon Service
	path = /home/netlogon
	writeable = no
	browseable = no

	comment = User Profiles
	path = /home/profiles
	writeable = yes
	browseable = no
	create mode = 0600
	directory mode = 0700
	force user = %U

# Share configuration
	comment = Programs for Computers
	path = /home/applications
	writeable = yes
	browseable = yes
	user = @applications
	force group = applications
	write list = @tech
	read list = @applications
	create mode = 0770
	directory mode = 0770
	preserve case = yes

	comment = Fonts
	path = /home/fonts
	writeable = yes
	browseable = yes
	user = @fonts
	force group = fonts
	write list = @tech
	read list = @fonts
	create mode = 0770
	directory mode = 0770
	comment = Traffic Art
	path = /home/traffic
	writeable = yes
	browseable = yes
	user = @traffic
	force group = traffic
	write list = @traffic
	read list = 
	create mode = 0770
	directory mode = 0770

	comment = Customer Archives
	path = /home/customer
	writeable = yes
	browseable = yes
	user = @customer
	force group = customer
	write list = @customer
	read list = 
	create mode = 0770
	directory mode = 0770

	comment = Work Files
	path = /home/work
	writeable = yes
	browseable = yes
	user = @work
	force group = work
	write list = @work
	read list = 
	create mode = 0770
	directory mode = 0770

	comment = Administration Files
	path = /home/admin
	writeable = yes
	browseable = yes
	user = @admin
	force group = admin
	write list = @admin
	read list = 
	create mode = 0770
	directory mode = 0770

	comment = Managment Files
	path = /home/management
	writeable = yes
	browseable = yes
	user = @management
	force group = management
	write list = @management
	read list = 
	create mode = 0770
	directory mode = 0770

	comment = Sales Files
	path = /home/sales
	writeable = yes
	browseable = yes
	user = @sales
	force group = sales
	write list = @sales
	read list = 
	create mode = 0770
	directory mode = 0770

	comment = JPEG Image Files
	path = /home/JPEG
	writeable = yes
	browseable = yes
	user = @jpeg
	force group = jpeg
	write list = @jpeg
	read list = 
	create mode = 0770
	directory mode = 0770

	comment = Sales Quotes
	path = /home/quotes
	writeable = yes
	browseable = yes
	user = @quotes
	force group = quotes
	write list = @quotes
	read list = 
	create mode = 0770
	directory mode = 0770

	comment = Logos
	path = /home/logos
	writeable = yes
	browseable = yes
	user = @staff
	force group = staff
	read list = 
	write list = @staff
	create mode = 0770
	directory mode = 0770

	comment = BV32 Accounting Files
	path = /home/bv32
	writeable = yes
	browseable = yes
	user = @bv32
	force group = bv32
	write list = @bv32
	read list = 
	create mode = 0770
	directory mode = 0770
	default case = lower
	guest ok = yes
	oplocks = no
	level2 oplocks = no
	comment = FTP Directory
	path = /home/ftp
	writeable = yes
	browseable = yes
	user = @ftp
	force user = ftp
	force group = ftp
	write list = @ftp
	read list = 
	create mode = 0770
	directory mode = 0770
	force directory mode = 0770

# Home directories
	comment = Home Directories
	browseable = no
	writeable = yes
Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
Processing section "[netlogon]"
Processing section "[profiles]"
Processing section "[applications]"
Processing section "[fonts]"
Processing section "[traffic]"
Processing section "[customer]"
Processing section "[work]"
Processing section "[admin]"
Processing section "[management]"
Processing section "[sales]"
Processing section "[JPEG]"
Processing section "[quotes]"
Processing section "[logos]"
Processing section "[bv32]"
Processing section "[FTP]"
Processing section "[homes]"
Loaded services file OK.
Server role: ROLE_DOMAIN_PDC
Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions
<snip: the smb.conf from above>
TIA for your help.
Old 09-25-2005, 11:30 PM   #4
Registered: Oct 2003
Distribution: Ubuntu "Hoary" - The best distro around by a long shot.
Posts: 116

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Rep: Reputation: 15
Anyone have any ideas?
Old 09-25-2005, 11:58 PM   #5
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Isles of Man & Wight
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Whilst I know little about the security settings in Samba, I am somewhat surprised that you have all your files apparently in the /home directory. Would I be correct in assuming that all your users have access to their own directory in the same place (i.e. /home/user ) ???

Assuming again that only members of the Administrator's group have (or possibly in your case had) access to the [Admin] files, wouldn't it be simpler to keep these in their own directory or sub-directory which can then have its own group access level set at the directory level ???

Is your /etc/passwd shadowed? Have you checked the permissions on the individual directories ? Could someone have learnt the root password and changed them ?
Old 10-02-2005, 03:09 PM   #6
Registered: Oct 2003
Distribution: Ubuntu "Hoary" - The best distro around by a long shot.
Posts: 116

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Originally posted by minrich
Whilst I know little about the security settings in Samba, I am somewhat surprised that you have all your files apparently in the /home directory. Would I be correct in assuming that all your users have access to their own directory in the same place (i.e. /home/user ) ???

Assuming again that only members of the Administrator's group have (or possibly in your case had) access to the [Admin] files, wouldn't it be simpler to keep these in their own directory or sub-directory which can then have its own group access level set at the directory level ???

Is your /etc/passwd shadowed? Have you checked the permissions on the individual directories ? Could someone have learnt the root password and changed them ?
Correct, each user has access to his/her own home directory. However, they don't use these. All the shares have been placed under the home directory for simplicity of partitioning: I can have one big /home partition and all the other partitions can be small since they'll only contain system files.

I don't see what you're saying. The admin files are in /home/admin, which is owned by root.admin and where the Unix permissions are 770 (so that only members of the admin group can access the files in that directory. However, Samba takes care of its own permissions anyway, so the Unix permissions are of no real consequence.

Each samba user is mapped to a real Unix user. No one except me has access to the machine via SSH or physically; everyone else can access it only by Samba, and ideally should only be able to access the shares their group has access to via Samba. Root access is given only with sudo (root can't login directly), and only I can use sudo (/etc/sudoers lists only me). I have a very strong password (12 characters, mix of letters, numbers, symbols, not based on a word in any language, etc...), so I'm fairly certain no one else knows it. Besides which, the permissions on the home directories are as they should be.

Also, I've checked the ACL's (XFS provides ACL support) and they're all correct. We've occaisionally had problems wtih Samba changing ACL's and locking users out of certain files, but they seem fine right now (I think it only happens when the machine crashes and Samba restarts without removing its locks from files).

Any other suggestions?
Old 10-03-2005, 01:29 PM   #7
LQ Newbie
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I could be completely wrong but I think its because your forcing the them to be the only permissable group. So its mapping everyone to the group thats allowed to the directory.
Again could be completely wrong just a thought.
Old 10-03-2005, 07:30 PM   #8
Registered: Oct 2003
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Originally posted by jordanmc31
I could be completely wrong but I think its because your forcing the them to be the only permissable group. So its mapping everyone to the group thats allowed to the directory.
Again could be completely wrong just a thought.
Hm, that does sound plausible, I'll have to look into it some more. Just seems strange that it was working fine before and now now.
Old 10-03-2005, 08:19 PM   #9
LQ Newbie
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Yeh, when i was trying to get it to work I found out by forcing a user thats who it has to be. doesn't matter what the login stuff is. But of course the kicker is it used to work fine.
Old 10-06-2005, 01:36 AM   #10
Registered: Oct 2003
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Originally posted by jordanmc31
Yeh, when i was trying to get it to work I found out by forcing a user thats who it has to be. doesn't matter what the login stuff is. But of course the kicker is it used to work fine.
Oh yeah, I know the force user doesn't limit the users who can access it. It's the read list and write list that limit access, the force user and force group are just to make sure files have the permissions I want on them.


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