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Old 02-03-2014, 04:41 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2006
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 18

Rep: Reputation: 0
Unable to connect to racoon from android (KitKat). NAT-T problem?

I have an android smartphone (4.3/KitKat) and I'm trying to use the integrated VPN to connect to my home network with L2TP/IPSec RSA.

I've been messing with this for a while now, but I seem to keep hitting a wall. This is my most recent /var/log/syslog

For the longest time, I had assumed this was the culprit:

racoon: INFO: NAT-D payload #1 doesn't match
racoon: INFO: NAT detected: PEER

However, this guide shows a syslog where the same error occurs, but their connection works, so I think it might be something else.

I'm running Debian Squeeze, with the following racoon.conf

log debug;
path certificate "/etc/racoon/certs";

remote anonymous {
	exchange_mode main;

	my_identifier fqdn "OMITTED";
	certificate_type x509 "server.crt" "server.key";
	ca_type x509 "ca.crt";

	generate_policy on;
	passive on;
	nat_traversal force;


	proposal {
		encryption_algorithm aes;
		hash_algorithm md5;
		authentication_method rsasig;
		dh_group modp1024;

sainfo anonymous {
	encryption_algorithm aes, 3des;
	authentication_algorithm hmac_sha1, hmac_md5;
	compression_algorithm deflate;
I've also tried setting nat_traversal to on, but that also didn't help.

I used to have this working with my tablet (Cynogen Mod), but I've forgotten most of what I did to get it working. Would someone else be able to point me toward the settings I'd need? I've been scouring the web for as many guides and tutorials as I can, and they've all sort of muddled together in my head at this point.
Old 02-03-2014, 07:57 AM   #2
Registered: Feb 2014
Location: Europe
Distribution: Debian, Mint, Arch (multiboot)
Posts: 90

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if you are willing to connect KitKat with standalone racoon server you do not to do almost anything.
But be well--guided that racoon uses a lot of available RAM/swap memory.....
Old 02-04-2014, 03:01 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2006
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 18

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 0
The computer I'm using doesn't have a great deal of RAM, is there another VPN solution that is less stressful on the server? Also, I can't get the regular racoon to work, hence the original post.
Old 02-04-2014, 07:50 AM   #4
Registered: Feb 2014
Location: Europe
Distribution: Debian, Mint, Arch (multiboot)
Posts: 90

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
dont know much about vpn's to be honest, but I think that yes, there is (probably are) solution/s that is/are less stressful. Just use google.


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