I have tried to network two computers to each other (not internet, just intranet), but have come across some problems.
I have physically connected two linux systems (one Red Hat and one Fedora) using a switch. I then created rsa keys on user1@hostname under /.ssh directory. I then copied the id_rsa.pub from user1@hostname to a vi text and moved it to the other computer, user2@hostname and pasted it to into the file named “authorized_keys’ under its .ssh directory. I then rebooted both computers.
Now, when I go to user1@hostname and ssh user2@hostname (not sure here about how much to write for address. That is, my hostname on user2 is hostname.localdomain..so, should I ssh
user2@hostname.localdomain??). Anyway, either way using user2@hostname or
user2@hostname.localdomain, I get
ssh: hostname.localdomain: temporary failure in name resolution.
I would greatly appreciate any assistance on this issue. I am really NEW to networking (working out of the book ‘Networking for Dummies’)…