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Old 02-04-2005, 01:37 AM   #1
Sridhar Kumar K
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2004
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sending a packet to another machine from a kernel module.

I have two machines.

Machine 1 (IP has two IP Aliases. and
Machine 2 (IP has a IP alias
(IP Alias is created using cmd #ifconfig eth0:1

I want to send a packet from (m/c 1) --> (m/c 2) --> (m/c 3).

In Machine 1, Iam capturing a packet from to at netfilter hook NF_IP_LOCAL_OUT. First to send the packet to (m/c 2), I need to send the packet to Machine 2.
For sending the packet to machine 2 Iam doing the following changes in sk_buff structure of the packet.

sb->dev = dev_get_by_name("eth0");

Previously I captured the object of struct dst_entry * from a skbuffer of a packet going to Machine 2(for m/c 2 IP. Not to its alias) . Now, for the currently outgoing packet to m/c 2 IP Alias, Iam filling the sk_buff field struct dst_entry * with the previously captured dst_entry * object.

sb->dst = my_dst_entry; // previously captured dst_entry

Next Iam doing the following changes in the packet Header.

Iam adding another IP Header (i.e. IP-over-IP) with src IP and dst IP Iam changing the protocol field in the outer IP Header to IP-over-IP value. I changed the total len field and calculated the new checksum.
Next Iam filling the MAC Header fields. src MAC as the MAC address of m/c 1 and dst MAC as the MAC address of m/c 2 and type of packet to IP.
Now iam returning NF_ACCEPT.

Iam receiving the packet at machine 2. Now I captured the packet at netfilter-hook NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING. Now I want to send the packet to (m/c 1). For this Iam changing the sk_buff fields, outer IP Header fileds and MAC Header fields as before.
Next Iam calling the dev_queue_xmit() to send the packet to machine 1.

Iam receiving the packet at m/c 1 netfilter hook NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING. But the packet is *not* reaching the Application.
Why it is not reaching the application ? Whether I need to fill any other fields in the sk_buff structure.
Iam using i) ping command ii) udp sockets to send packets at the application layer.

Thanks n Regards,


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