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Old 04-08-2014, 11:47 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2014
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Permission Denied on NFS Mount

So I've been having some troubles with mounting a NFS drive on a OSX 10.7.5 computer in another room. I've confirmed NFS is working as other computers are able to access NFS mounted drives on my network.

When looking at my /etc/exports folder for the computer in question I have
/nfsmounts/studio5 IP_Address(rw,sync,anongid=902)

I try mounting under terminal with
$ sudo mount -t nfs -0 resvport,rw server_name:/mnt/nfsmount/studio5 /volumes/nfs

and I'm getting Permission denied on it. I'm also tried turning off the firewall with no changes and editing the /etc/export file for the computer trying each of these and restarting the nfs server each time
/nfsmounts/studio5 IP_Address(rw,sync,insecure)
/nfsmounts/studio5 IP_Address(rw,sync,no_root_squash)
/nfsmounts/studio5 IP_Address(rw,sync)

Any thoughts?
Old 04-08-2014, 09:01 PM   #2
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greetings dakroll and welcome to LQ. please use code flags as it makes life much simpler to read your output from your system.

Now I am not using my Mac as my NFS server, but it is one of my clients. I use CentOS as my file server. There is nothing wrong with using a Mac as your NFS file server. here is my exports. *note* you will be interested in the nfsv3 lines, not the nfsv4 lines as OSx does not support nfsv4

$ cat /etc/exports 
#	/etc/exports

#	NFS4
/exports *(rw,insecure,subtree_check,crossmnt,fsid=0)

#	NFSv3
/exports/centos/public *(rw,insecure,no_subtree_check,fsid=3010)
/exports/NFS_TV_Shows *(rw,insecure,no_subtree_check,fsid=3020)
there see how much easier that is to read with the code flags. *smiles*

This is my autofs file on one of my laptops that connects to my NFS share:

$ cat /etc/auto.NFS 
TV_Shows	-rw,soft,intr,bg,rsize=8192,wsize=8192	server:/exports
Note the soft, intr, bg, rsize, and wsize in my mount command for autofs.

the soft, intr, and bg all work to make things smoother on the laptop should the server go down or not be available because the laptop is no longer inside of my WAN. its always a good practice to use the read and write size for the mount point. this makes things more stable for transferring files between systems.

those two links should get you moving.

Also note that when you setup the share on your Mac it should automatically open the ports for the NFS share. You might want to do a bit of googleing for oh say, NFS share OSx server Linux client and see what pops up.

Note the insecure flag in my exports. That is because OSx again fails on proper NFS permissions and can not handle a more robust secure network for NFS. Its Bill Gates way of sticking his thumb at Linux trying to force only AFS to work properly for OSx.

Maybe someday that will change, but dont hold your breath.


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