masquerading and resolution error
I've set up my linux to masquerade my windows box.
My connection is a dhcp on eth0
assigned ip: 155.97.***.***
My internal nic is static ip
When I only enable eth0, everything is just fine. (all web browsing and system initialization)
But as soon as I enable eth1, the linux box has problems finding anything. (not only web pages, but initializing other servies that involves name resolution. i.e. sendmail takes long time to initialize and gnome complains that it didn't get a hostname)
I had setup a linux box to masquerade before, and this time, i just can't get it to work. (previous installtion was redhat 8 server setup and current installation is redhat 9 workstation setup) I'm not sure if i am missing any packages that need to be there or what...
Pleeez Help~!!!