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Old 06-22-2001, 02:36 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Question Linksys (LNE100TX) Card


I have the default gateway, ip, etc for my network, i entered them in the netconf, it said to pick a driver, optional, i did tulip, didnt work, it also recommended ne2k-pci, did that, didnt work, did the old tulip, didnt work, and then i downloaded the drivers off my linksys disk, went by the instructions, got it to work, could look at the computers on netscape in the table when i went to the router address, then i could see myself on a window computer, but i couldnt access my computer, how do i do that? Am I using the right driver, if I boot down I have to reconfigure everytime, no matter what I do, what am I doing wrong, etc, please help, if you have pointers please tell me, you can e-mail me the anwser if you want at or just put it in this thread, thankyou.

Brent Leach
Old 06-22-2001, 06:32 AM   #2
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I'm not sure I understand. You have the network card up and running, you can see your Linux box from a Windows box (using Samba on linux?) but couldn't access it right? As for the config at boot time - you need to modify some of your startup scripts to initialise the card each time - what distro are you using?

when you say you can't access your Linux box from windows what error message(s) do/are you getting? Also - I don't follow the netscape comment.

More info please!

Old 06-23-2001, 01:10 AM   #3
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I am using Mandrake 7.2, I dont know how to use SAMBA, or how to even set that up, but I did download it lastnight and tried to set it up, didnt work. Here is what I mean when I say netscape, you can access the router by typing the address in the URL bar in netscape, IE, etc. I have did this before in linux and have got it. The error I get when I goto mom's computer and try to access my computer (windoze to linux access) is I think "computer is not connect" or "computer unavailable", something like that. I have no clue on how to set this stupid thing up, I am thinking about using Redhat 6.1, should I? Do you think it will work better? or not?

Brent Leach
Old 06-23-2001, 08:38 AM   #4
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So how are you trying to access the linux box? Trying to make a HTTP connection with netscape/IE or via Network neighboUrhood??

If you are trying the http connection the you will need to get Apache or some other http server running. If you are trying to use the network neighbourhood method then you will need to battle with Samba.

Clarify which it is and I can offer some setup guidence.


Old 06-24-2001, 04:47 AM   #5
LQ Guru
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For the tulip

Ok the Linksys card, If I understand you it is not coming up on boot and you are having to reload the module?

Take a look back thru the Readme file.

I believe you have to do this

insmod pcscan.o
insmod tulip.o
depmod -a

If this isn't what you are talking about then it is obviously something else.

What is it.
Old 06-24-2001, 04:36 PM   #6
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I do that everytime, plus the ifup eth0 and ifconfig to get it to work every boot, I went by the readme, word for word, so I don't know what the heck to do

Brent Leach
Old 06-25-2001, 12:00 AM   #7
LQ Guru
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This is strange

I guess you will have to do what Jh said and put it in a startup script, like rc.local
Old 06-25-2001, 08:28 PM   #8
Registered: Jun 2001
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In regards to the driver loading issue, (using Redhat 6.2) I had to add the line
alias eth0 tulip
to etc/conf.modules.
Old 06-25-2001, 11:01 PM   #9
LQ Newbie
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to anwser your question jh, I am trying to connect to network neighborhood, please help me setup if you can, I deleted 7.2, but I am going to reload it again, I tryed redhat 6.1, couldnt get into x-windows and even had a hard time loading.

Brent Leach


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