Your network setup sounds a lot like the Charity Office example in the Samba by Example book. If you have samba-doc installed, then you already have this book:
or if you don't have swat installed:
look for this webpage at
Here is a part of the example configuration:
workgroup = MIDEARTH
security = SHARE
printing = CUPS
printcap name = CUPS
disable spoolss = Yes
show add printer wizard = No
wins support = yes
comment = Funds Tracking & Management Files
path = /data/ftmfiles
read only = No
force user = abmas
force group = office
guest ok = Yes
nt acl support = No
comment = General Office Files
path = /data/officefiles
read only = No
force user = abmas
force group = office
guest ok = Yes
nt acl support = No
In this example, the forced user is "abmas" and the forced group is "office". You may want to create a new user/group to use for your share. ( I'm not sure if you want to use a system user ) The directories shared are given the owner:group "abmas:office" using the chmod command as root on the samba server. There are other things mentioned, and I don't know how close you want to be to the example. I would recommend you read the example yourself. If your system doesn't have a samba-doc package, try looking in . ( For rpm based distro's )
One last thing. If you configure samba by manually editing the /etc/samba/smb.conf file yourself, be sure to run "testparm" to verify that you don't have syntax errors in the configuration file.
I copied and pasted your smb.conf segment to a file and it passed this test, However, if there is an error in a part you didn't post, this might cause the configuration to be rejected.