Originally posted by mahiles
When I say server for everything I mean a server which runs apache, mysql etc (I know how to do that) but also has a network domain that the client computers can connect to. So if someone wants to log in on a client computer then the username is actually on the server and so on...
Sounds possible to me! Are all of your client machines going to be *unix boxes? If they are they you'll want to use NIS to do your user authentication (allowing people to use the same username/password combo on any machine), and NFS to make their files available from the server to any workstation. If your clients are going to be Windows boxes they you'll need to use Samba to do this.
As for how to do it - thats a completely different story! The best advice I can give you is to read up on NIS, NFS, Samba and just about anything else you think might be useful at
http://www.linuxdoc.org and