I recently installed a lnksys router so I could share my cable modem connection with my roommate. Everything worked fine until I decided to change my hostname with linuxconf. I read that it doesn't matter what you call your hostname if you're behind a router. That doesn't seem to be the case.
When I try to send e-mails, I get the following error message:
----- Transcript of session follows -----
... while talking to alum.mit.edu.:
>>> MAIL From:<elconde@robert.mediaone.net> SIZE=139
<<< 501 <elconde@robert.mediaone.net>... Sender domain must exist
501 <elconde@alum.mit.edu>... Data format error
OK, robert.mediaone.net is what I named my computer from linuxconf. This domain name doesn't exist outside of my small home network.
elconde@alum.mit.edu is the address to which I am trying to send an e-mail.
From my naive point of view, it seems that the mail server at alum.mit.edu sees the sender address as having the domain name robert.mediaone.net. That domain name doesn't exist, so it rejects the e-mail. Am I wrong?
My real domain name should be h00c04fb57608.ne.mediaone.net. Should I just go back to linuxconf and set the host name to that?
Please help! I want to e-mail my friends!
Thanks in advance,