I've been using eXtremail as my mail server for several years now. Within the last eight months or so, spam has become a real problem, so I became interested in implementing DNS blacklist features on my mail server.
eXtremail has blacklist support for Realtime Blackhole Lists and Dial-up User Lists since version 1.5-3 (I believe). But, just be sure I got all the latest stability and security fixes and the latest features, I upgraded to version 1.5-9.
Here's my dillema: I have my eXtremail.conf file set up as follows:
BlacklistMapsRbl = Yes
BlacklistMapsDul = Yes
BlacklistServerMapsRbl = blackholes.mail-abuse.org
BlacklistServerMapsDul = duinv.aupads.org
So, technically, the blacklist features should be enabled. However, when checking the mail server's logs, I frequently find errors like this:
DNS - No answer header found on DNS response. Quitting.
...And I continue to find spam in my inbox as usual. I've tried using other blacklist servers, and all with the same effect. Any ideas as to what I could be doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.