DNS - resolv.conf with custom tld (top level domain) domain directive
I run my own bind 9 within my internal private IP space (private as in RFC 1918). In my case it's a virtual cloud based environment. I like creating my own private/custom top level domain (tld) because if my the fully qualified domain names of my systems were to get leaked out to the public somehow it wouldn't constitute a security concern since they would not be resolvable.
I would like to insert a "domain" directive within the /etc/resolv.conf file of all of the nodes on my network but it doesn't seem to be working and I can't really find any documentation that says it's possible.
domain aws
The goal would be to be able to perform a:
dig +short puppet
and have that request be equivalent to:
dig +short puppet.aws
Keep in mind, my problem isn't configuring bind to use custom tld's. That works fine. I can perform a `dig +short puppet.aws` and bind will return an IP address.
My question is:
Can one use the domain directive with a custom top level domain within the resolver configuration file?