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Old 06-28-2001, 10:47 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2001
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Unhappy Connection Refused and network path not found

Hi everyone!

Currently, I have 3 pc, 1 pc (adelineh) is a linux server, another pc (firewall) is a linux client and the last pc(demosvr1) is a Window NT station. Three of them are on the same domain, WARS.

From the adelineh's netconf, I have added the other two pc as hosts and when i try to ping them, it is perfectly alright.

And then, I run the samba sever. But when i typed the command "smbclient - L adelineh" at firewall pc, it says "connection refused".

And from demosvr1, I'm able to see the adelineh pc from the network neighbourhood but when i clicked it, it says "network path not found"

I double check my ip address, tcp/ip, everything should be correct, morever, these 3 pc has been used in the windows network and has been alright till I change the other two to linux.

Pls help me out.

Have a nice day,
Old 06-29-2001, 12:51 AM   #2
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It looks to me like your tcp/ip settings and address are good. If you can ping then you should be fine. You have a samba configuration problem. Check to make sure that you have a smb daemons running on both linux boxes, you have the passwords setup correctly and that you have shares and allowed hosts configured in the /etc/smbd.conf file. Also, if you are running iptables or ipchains on either of the linux boxes, that you allow port 137 and 139 for local connections. These are the netbios ports.

If any of these boxes are on the internet I suggest that you make sure the netbios ports are DROP (ed) at the firewall.

Old 06-29-2001, 01:55 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Hi crabboy, I really very new to linux and I have difficulty in understanding some of the terms.

1) How do I check that my smb daemons running on both linux boxes? I did run my samba server (SMB , NMB). and it has executed successfully.

2) How to check passwords setup correctly?

3) I have add the other hosts at the netconf, is this the same as the allowed hosts configured in the /etc/smbd.conf file?

4) How do I check whether am I running iptables or ipchains. How do allow port 137 and 139.

5) Can you kindly explain "If any of these boxes are on the internet I suggest that you make sure the netbios ports are DROP (ed) at the firewall. ". I have successfully connected adelineh (samba server) to the internet, anything related?

Old 06-29-2001, 01:38 PM   #4
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Originally posted by adeline_AhMei
1) How do I check that my smb daemons running on both linux boxes? I did run my samba server (SMB , NMB). and it has executed successfully.
Try running
ps -ef | grep mb
you should see smbd and nmbd somewhere in the output. Also have a look at /etc/log.smb and /etc/log.nmb to see if there are any errors. If there are errors check the dates there were produced - some time ago I spent ages trying to sort out a Samba error that was reported ages ago and wasn't there anymore!

Originally posted by adeline_AhMei
2) How to check passwords setup correctly?
You need to either enable encrypted password support on Samba or disable the use of encrypted passwords on Windows. In the documentation that comes with Samba there are a number of .reg files that you can run on Windows to disable the password encryption. Clearly its better to get the encrypted passwords working on the linux side but I've never played with this, having only used Samba at home and I don't have any plans to crack my own server

You will also want to make sure that whatever user you log in to Windows as exists on the Linux box, and to simplify things give them the same password.

Originally posted by adeline_AhMei
3) I have add the other hosts at the netconf, is this the same as the allowed hosts configured in the /etc/smbd.conf file?
Pass! Never used netconf... If you have been editing /etc/hosts via netconf then no - its different. You can have a subnet in your allowed hosts, which is what I'd suggest you do. For my home LAN (which is 192.168.1.X) I use
hosts allow = 192.168.1. 127.
so that any machines on my LAN have access.

Originally posted by adeline_AhMei
4) How do I check whether am I running iptables or ipchains. How do allow port 137 and 139.
If you are using the 2.2 kernels then try running
ipchains -L
and see if there is any mention of DENYing or DROPing packets anywhere.

Originally posted by adeline_AhMei
5) Can you kindly explain "If any of these boxes are on the internet I suggest that you make sure the netbios ports are DROP (ed) at the firewall. ". I have successfully connected adelineh (samba server) to the internet, anything related?
If you connect your Samba server to the web it will look like a Windows machine and you'll probably find that you'll get people trying to exploit the Samba server. By setting up a filewall to drop all packets on you NetBIOS ports you make yourself a little safer. I'd concentrate on getting the server working first though! Then have a look at some of the postings in the Security forum... have a search for posts by 'Raz'.


Old 07-02-2001, 12:17 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2001
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Thanks Jamie.

1) For the hosts allow = x.x.x.x, is this supposed to be included in the hosts.allow file? Does it refers to the subnet mask?

2) So under the netconf, I should not include other hosts except the localhost rite?

2) When i received the error "Connection refused", what should i do?

3) For networking b/w linux to linux station, should i use smbclient or telnet?

Hope to hear from u all soon,

Old 07-02-2001, 07:42 PM   #6
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1) For the hosts allow = x.x.x.x, is this supposed to be included in the hosts.allow file? Does it refers to the subnet mask?
You can either include a set of machines on the allow = line or you can include a group of machines as Jamie did in his example. If you have just a few machines, under 5, you should probably just list the ip address of the machines that you want connected.
allow =
This allows the three machines mentioned above. The allow statement below will permit access to the three above as well as the other 254 IP address that fall between 1 and 254:
allow = 10.0.0.
2) So under the netconf, I should not include other hosts except the localhost rite?
I don't use netconf. I'm assuming, by your question, that you are talking about the /etc/hosts file. I'm not sure if it's required by samba, but if you or a process needs to lookup a machine by IP or name you will need to list all of your machines there.
Code:    localhost  coolmachine  cooldude
2) When i received the error "Connection refused", what should i do?
That probably means that nothing is listening on the port or that a process may be listening, but may not like the connecting process. Try this:
telnet localhost 139
And see if you get a Conection Refused error. My machine will connect and just sit there. Type "Ctl- ] " to get out. If you still get a Connection Refused error then recheck the 'md' daemons with the ps command as Jamie pointed out to you.

Check the smb log files that get created in /var/log. I think they are named samba.???, something like that. They may give you a clue at what the problem is. Also don't forget about /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog files.

3) For networking b/w linux to linux station, should i use smbclient or telnet?
The smbclient would be used for file sharing and telnet sessions for teminal sessions.
Not to confuse you more, but for linux to linux file system shares NFS (Network File System) would probably be a bit easier and faster than running samba.

I don't know if you have looked at the samba how-to document. It is a great reference, and if you follow it page-by-page you will have samba up and running in no time.


Last edited by crabboy; 07-02-2001 at 07:45 PM.


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