Hi all,
I have installed the drivers for my infiniband network and when using the commands, it shows the correct value:
[root@cluster ~]# ibnodes
Ca : 0x001e0bffff4c3d28 ports 2 "compute-0-3 HCA-1"
Ca : 0x001e0bffff4c2dd4 ports 2 "compute-0-2 HCA-1"
Ca : 0x001e0bffff4c2df0 ports 2 "compute-0-1 HCA-1"
Ca : 0x001e0bffff4c2de4 ports 2 "compute-0-0 HCA-1"
Ca : 0x001e0bffff4c3d00 ports 2 "cluster HCA-1"
Switch : 0x0008f104004130e6 ports 24 "ISR9024D-M Voltaire" enhanced port 0 lid 1 lmc 0
[root@cluster ~]# ibhosts
Ca : 0x001e0bffff4c3d28 ports 2 "compute-0-3 HCA-1"
Ca : 0x001e0bffff4c2dd4 ports 2 "compute-0-2 HCA-1"
Ca : 0x001e0bffff4c2df0 ports 2 "compute-0-1 HCA-1"
Ca : 0x001e0bffff4c2de4 ports 2 "compute-0-0 HCA-1"
Ca : 0x001e0bffff4c3d00 ports 2 "cluster HCA-1"
but when i try to ping, I always have the problem like below:
[root@cluster ~]# ibping -P 2 -G 0x001e0bffff4c3d00
ibwarn: [8196] ib_path_query_via: sa call path_query failed
ibping: iberror: failed: can't resolve destination port 0x001e0bffff4c3d00
Would anyone here know what is the problem and how can I fix it? Thanks