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Old 09-14-2015, 10:19 PM   #1
Registered: Nov 2011
Location: England
Distribution: Slackware64 current and Slackware arm current
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Attempting to get rsync with ssh to work from cygwin client to Linux server

I am attempting to get rsync with ssh to work for transferring files from a cygwin (windows 7) client to a Linux (slackware) server. I have a straight rsync (without ssh) working fine. I am attempting to use ssh with rsync because I read somewhere on the internet that the cygwin etc/fstab file with "noacl"
none /cygdrive cygdrive user,noacl,posix=0 0 0
only works with ssh and that the noacl part of the statement will get rid of all of the permission denied errors. And I do want to get rid of the rsync permission denied errors on the backup. I am starting a
rsync --daemon
on my Linux machine and I am using the following command on cygwin
c:\cygwin64\bin\rsync -vvv -e "/usr/bin/ssh" --groupmap -vvrtlz --log-file=/backup.log --password-file=/secret /cygdrive/c/Users lin@
I have made various small variations on this command and got various different errors from rsync. At the moment the error that I am getting is that rsync cannot set the group ( I can't remember the exact wording of the error message).

EDIT: The error message is
2015/09/15 12:42:42 [8132] @ERROR: setgid failed
2015/09/15 12:42:42 [8132] rsync error: error starting client-server protocol (code 5) at main.c(1635) [sender=3.1.1]
2015/09/15 12:42:42 [8132] [sender] _exit_cleanup(code=5, file=main.c, line=1635): about to call exit(5)
However, the rsync process does create all of the Windows directories in the linux server backup directory before it fails, but they are all empty.

On cygwin the group is None (513 I think) I have tried setting it to Users (545 I think) to match the group of the user on the linux machine in /etc/passwd in cygwin but this did'nt work so I set it back. My rsyncd.conf and rsyncd.secrets files are in the users directory on the linux server and the secrets file has the correct permissions (600). Here is the contents of my rsyncd.conf file
lin@darkstar:/home/lin$ cat rsyncd.conf
   pid file = /var/run/
   lock file = /var/run/rsync.lock
   log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
   strict modes = false


    path = /LindasBackups/Old_Laptop_Backup
    comment = Lin's Backup area (requires authentication)
    use chroot = false
    uid = lin
    gid = users
    read only = false
    auth users = lin
    log file = /LindasBackups/Old_Laptop_Backup.log
    secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets 


    path = /LindasBackups/Backup-2015-09-14
    comment = Lin's Backup area (requires authentication)
    use chroot = false
    munge symlinks = false
    uid = lin
    gid = users
    read only = false
    auth users = lin
    log file = /LindasBackups/LinsLaptop_Backup.log
    secrets file = /home/lin/rsyncd.secrets 

I think that I have ssh set up O.K. because I can connect (without a password using keys) from the cygwin client to the Linux server O.K. I tried to set up
ssh-host-config -y
on the cygwin client and that created a new privileged user but that seemed to create other problems elsewhere so I deleted that user from windows.

I am hoping that someone here can give me a detailed explanation of how to set up rsync with ssh because all of the posts that I have read on the internet on this subject seem very complicated. Especially a YouTube video called "rsync + ssh + cygwin - full and TOTAL instructions - Windows 2008 R2" that I thought would explain it well (or at least well enough for me to adapt it to windows 7).

Thank you for your time and if you need any further information I will be happy to supply it.

Last edited by vovim; 09-15-2015 at 07:05 AM. Reason: Found the error message
Old 09-15-2015, 02:31 PM   #2
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Have you looked at SSH and Rsync within Cygwin?
Looks straight forward to me.

Not sure you need the quotes around /usr/bin/ssh.
Old 09-16-2015, 07:29 AM   #3
Registered: Nov 2011
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Thanks lazydog. No, I hadn't seen that page. And you are right it does look quite simple in that one. I am a bit busy with other things at the moment so I will give it a try at the weekend.
Old 09-23-2015, 08:06 AM   #4
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lazydog, I have tried that now and it works. Thanks for your help. I'll mark this as solved.
Old 09-23-2015, 10:18 AM   #5
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Glad to help.


cygwin, rsync+ssh, slackware 14.1, windows 7

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