Allowing VM network access via NAT rules
Hello all,
Looking for some assistance with getting a VM network access, primarily for hitting the box from my local machine. I didn't set up this little lab environment so my knowledge of it isn't quite up to par, but here is the scenario:
I have a VM guest running CentOS 6.5. It was a CLI install that I added GNOME too using startx. I have since edited /etc/inittab so that it boots to the GUI. I installed a VNCserver (I think it works), and got a VNC client to my local machine. Now the tricky part is that this VM has 1 NIC, and it was running on a private subnet, the usual 192.168... on a Vswitch. However, the larger network configuration has a few more vswitches and one of the connections is to a Firewall. The Firewall and other devices are on a 10. network (what we're calling the management network). Temporarily so I can ssh via Putty I changed the NIC on the guest to be on the management network to get this set up but the goal is to be able to put it back on the 192.168 network and still access it on my local machine which is on the 10. range.
I was told it is possible via adding NAT rules to the CentOS machine but I really have no idea what they would be.
PS interface is eth0 btw