PCLinuxOS 2007 Installation problem, please help!
hello everybody!
its my first time using linux i watched and read alot about pc linux os 2007 and i`m into it now, downloaded the ISO file then used ActiveisoBurner and put it onto a cd now i restarted my laptop and i went through the first stages, at prompt i select livecd, i have one hard disk with a partition C:\ which has windows on it and D:\ which is empty and i`m intending to put linux on it
i went all the way till where the installation begins and so it reaches about 20% and it freezes i did many retrials and the same thing happend, i even tried downloding pclinuxos 2007 from different sites but no use.why is this happening and is there something missing?
Last edited by grimlair; 09-01-2007 at 11:22 PM.