deleted linux partition adn the boot loader was deleted also,now i have only gnu grub
Hello guys,
I'm stuck with something here and i don't know from whom should i search for some help.I found your site while i was searching for some GNU GRUB HOW TO and i thought that meybe you could lend me some help,for which i'm very thankfull.
I dic mess up something on my notebool and i don't know how to fix it.Here is the thing i had 2 partitions on my hard drive Fedora Core 3 and WIN XP.SO the thing is that when i installed the linux(FC 3) it did installed some boot loader.
Yesterday i wanted to delete the partition throuh my partition magic softwear and i did ,then i wanted to convert it again to windows and the program asked me to restart the system i did,but when the system was restarted there was no boot logger,no windows started just this GNU GRUB.Could you help me with that.I don;t know what command to type to start my windows partition and then the partition magoic wil do t's work and everything will be ok.
Please help,
Thank you