Check out the modules you have available, and those you have installed/already modprobed, to see if they support your card; in a console, do
and see if there is a module name that refers to your sound card (probably not); after you've done this, probably not finding such a module, do
and scroll it through and try to find a module name that could be for your card. when you find one, try loading it to the kernel with modprobe as follows (here the
modulename is the name of the module you perhaps found with the last command, without the path and without the extension .ko):
modprobe modulename
after that try some player to hear if you got sound. Also, I'd suggest you to upgrade to the latest Ubuntu (6.06, Dapper Drake); alter your /etc/apt/sources.list and change every
breezy to
dapper after which do (as root):
apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade
which will take some time. the newer Ubuntu might be better..