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Old 03-18-2003, 09:44 AM   #16
Registered: Feb 2001
Posts: 32

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same here I couldnt find the lcd/crt option. Apart from that I tried running the xconfigurator, in it , it doesnt recongnize the monitor and asks to choose manually. Upon this I choose laptop display 1024x768 option. I just wanted to ask if I should go for any other option apart from this.
Old 03-18-2003, 02:15 PM   #17
Registered: Dec 2002
Location: San Luis Obispo, CA
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Could it possibly be your version of X?? Perhaps and old version of X can't understand the LCD. It could be a possibility since the Toshiba's a relatively new to RedHat 7.2. I'm using 4.2.0. There is a newer version out which you could consider. Run this and see what comes out.

rpm -qa | grep XFree86*
Old 03-19-2003, 10:27 AM   #18
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: Winnipeg
Distribution: Suse 9.3 Pro
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Originally posted by JayCnrs
Vesa mode works but doesn' t allow Accelerated Graphics,

I ended up compliling the NVIDIA driver, go to the NVIDIA site and download the tar.gz files. Use the NVChooser Program this will tell you which files to download, if you are lucky you will be able to use RPMs. You will need to download 2 files, one is the GLX librairies, the second the kernel driver.

You will want to install the Kernel package first then the GLX librairies.

If you have to use the source tar file for the kernel you will have to use

tar -zxvf NVIDIA-kernel*

cd into the directory that is created

then type make SYSINCLUDE=/lib/modules/linux-2.4xx/build/include/linux
make install

If you are able to use an RPM type RPM -Uhv NVIDIA-kernel*.rpm

After that do the same for the GLX file

tar -zxvf NVIDIA-GLX* if using the source code
make install

rpm -Uhv NVIDIA-glx* if able to use RPMs.

If you can use the RPMs use them rather than the source for ease of installation. If using the source you will need your kernel source installed on your system.

Once the files are installed you will need to edit your XF86Config file which is located at /etc/X11.

Where it says Driver "VESA (generic)" change to Driver "nvidia"

Uncomment Load "glx"

Make sure you delete these lines

Load "dri"
Load "GLcore"

If they exist.

That should be it and when you start X you will see the NVIDIA splashscreen just before X loads.
Made a slight booboo above. Sorry

The one line should have said:

make SYSINCLUDE=/lib/modules/current_kernel/build/include

Sorry if anybody tried this and got a make error, this is for Red Hat 8.0.

Plus I am now enjoying 1024x768 at 24 bit color


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