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Old 04-10-2006, 06:33 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2006
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Unhappy SAX2 problem! (ATI Graphics Card with 3D Acceleration)

Hi there!

Recently I bought a new powerful Notebook with an ATI Mobility Radeon 9700 Card in it (3D Acceleration Support).

When I install SuSE Linux 10.0, the ATI RV350 NP graphics driver is installed by default. But ATI offers drivers for my card and for Linux. So I downloaded the actual drivers from this location:

After the successful installation and a reboot of the system, everything looks fine, but "Hardware Information" still shows the ATI RV350 NP driver. So I want to start SAX2 to change the driver, but when I run SAX2 (via terminal or via YaST), the progress bar appears to load some things and then - the SAX2-Window doesn't appear. There was no problem before the installation of the new graphics driver.

I reinstalled SuSE Linux and tried the same again with same results.

Thanks for any help!
Old 04-10-2006, 07:43 AM   #2
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Please do not post the same thread in more than one forum. Picking the most relevant forum and posting it once there makes it easier for other members to help you and keeps the discussion all in one place.
Old 04-10-2006, 07:53 AM   #3
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ATI is sometimes a PITA...
Make sure you installed kernel-source, gcc and make packages.
Then reinstall the drivers.
Then run sax2 as following:
sax2 -m 0=fglrx
This tells sax2 to use the ati proprietary driver (the module is called "fglrx", don't ask me why did the ati developers choose such a weird name) to configure your X server.
Configure your monitor, then quit sax2 and restart X (relogin).
Don't press "test" button in sax2, this will lead to graphical corruptions or crashes (it's a bug in the ATI drivers)

Last edited by leadazide; 04-10-2006 at 07:54 AM.
Old 04-10-2006, 02:27 PM   #4
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Please do not post the same thread in more than one forum. Picking the most relevant forum and posting it once there makes it easier for other members to help you and keeps the discussion all in one place.

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