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Old 04-02-2022, 05:42 PM   #1
Registered: Aug 2019
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Possible to install Linux on f2fs partition ?


I have a usb thumb drive with two partitions, an 500MB ext4 and a 7GB f2fs. The idea is to try to install Linux on this usb stick using the ext4 partition as /boot and the f2fs as root.

I tried to launch Mint 20.3 Mate and ran the installer. Upon selecting method, I choosed "something else" and I was able to select the ext4 partition as /boot.
However - the using this installer,there are no real options to use a f2fs partition (it simply missing from the list of possible file systems, and it cannot be used unless already on the list).

I assume therefore that Mint cannot be installed (assign root) on a f2fs partition.

Therefore the question is - is there any Linux distro where the installer actually let the user select a f2fs partition and actually work ?

Or if possible - do something about the Mint installer (or other distro) for a workaround ?
Old 04-03-2022, 11:59 AM   #2
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Debian and Arch support the system, but whether it's a good idea is another question. I've read that it uses a very large block size; if that's true, then the root partition would become very bloated because it contains so many small files and 7GB might not be enough.
Old 04-04-2022, 04:06 PM   #3
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Suggestion is to normal install then copy off and format to filesystem then restore and fix boot issues.
Old 04-05-2022, 11:26 AM   #4
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Ok, thanks for answers. If Debian support install to f2fs, that's the way to go.

Maybe LMDE4 can do that as well, I should test that. Having to copy the files sounds like very cumbersome and also need a secondary storage for temporary installation.

I notice from web search that there ara apparently no tools available to convert from e.g. ext4 to f2fs - due to very different layout of file data?
Old 04-05-2022, 03:41 PM   #5
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I haven't seen any filesystem conversion tool for that. Might search for it.


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