Newly installed HDD triggered ntfs error; removing it breaks mount of existing
Hi all
I'm facing the following error on my Ubuntu 20.04 machine when attempting to mount:
mount: /disks/<name>: unknown filesystem type 'nfts'.
This makes little sense as I already have four mounted nfts drives.
I'm using the newest (1:2017.3.23AR.3-3ubuntu1.1) version of ntfs-3g.
This problem arose when I attempted to install a sixth drive. Important to note is that I've been running with five drives, all installed the same way with a single partition created using gparted (left a couple of megabytes in each end of the partition), and all running as nfts without any issues. The PTTYPE when checking blkid is either atari or dos. All have the same options in fstab: defaults,auto,rw,nofail,x-gvfs-show.
However, adding the sixth drive, repeating the installation steps I've done for each drive (find the name of the drive using fdisk -l; using gparted to add a partition; running sudo mkdir /disks/<name>; updating /etc/fstab; and running chown on the folder), I became unable to mount both the newest and the second newest drive. Interestingly, when I booted my computer after installing the sixth drive, it appeared to have been allotted the /dev/sde1 slot as opposed to the expected /dev/sdf1 slot. These are now the two drives throwing the above error.
The problem persists after physically uninstalling the sixth drive.
The problem also persists when physically changing which SATA port is utilized.
I'm at a loss as to do and to understand what has caused this: Any and all guidance is highly appreciated. I need to tread carefully as I need the data on my fifth drive to remain intact, but I obviously have nothing on the sixth drive also throwing the exact same error, and so would be able to experiment with that if necessary.
Thanks in advance!