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Old 09-14-2020, 10:48 AM   #1
Registered: Jun 2020
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MST and Linux?

This is a bit academic/hypothetical question (because I don't have all the hardware in-hand), but I'm just wondering if there's documentation or anyone has experience with MST (Multi-Stream Transport) over DisplayPort in Linux? According to some documentation I read, one of my GPUs supports it, and I was curious if it's 'plug and play' or if there's some issues - I originally was going to 'just try it' and assume all would work but then I read some OSes (like macOS) do not support it (that info from MST hub manufacturers), and googling yielded nothing concrete. Given that the hub box is like $30-60, I figured I should know for certain before going forward.

Specifically the GPU in question is a Radeon R9 290X ('Hawaii XT') and I believe its using the 'radeon' driver on my system, not AMDGPU (it's one of the weird 'in between' generations). I couldn't find anything about MST on the page either.
Old 09-15-2020, 11:04 PM   #2
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I have no personal experience with this, but a web search for "Multi-Stream Transport linux" turned up a number of articles. Most of them seem to date from the mid-2010s.
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Old 09-16-2020, 01:16 PM   #3
Registered: Jun 2020
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Thanks for that - searching with the acronym 'broken out' did seem to help. I did note the dates - a lot of 'we are starting to develop this' or 'this support is coming in a future kernel' stuff, but not a lot of 'here's the how-to guide.' Very interesting. May just have to bite the bullet and try it to find out, ha!


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