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Old 12-15-2002, 11:45 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2002
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Major Suse 8.1 Problems!!!!!!!!!!

Hi All,

I need some real help here. Iv got some major problems with Suse 8.1

1. Floppy will not work. Iv tried the mount command i get: not found in etc/fstab, i added a line for the floppy ( not sure it was correct), but I got an error afterward : dev/fd0 not a valid block device? What is this? How can I fix this; futhermore, could someone please give a step by step process to add a floppy to suse?

2. I have a HP psc 2210 printer,andI have the hp drivers for linux the hpoj v.90, but I can't configure yast2 printer section to work with the printer. The printer is supported with this version of the driver.

3. My system is missing several key folders,for I was going to try and reconfigure my kernel, and I don't have the /linux folder to use the make config command? How do you configure your kernel in suse 8.1?

I thank you all who respond to this i really need your help.

Thanks in Advance.
Old 12-16-2002, 07:29 AM   #2
Registered: Oct 2001
Distribution: Mint 15
Posts: 770

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Re: Major Suse 8.1 Problems!!!!!!!!!!

[QUOTE]Originally posted by slacker007
Hi All,

I need some real help here. Iv got some major problems with Suse 8.1

1. Floppy will not work. Iv tried the mount command i get: not found in etc/fstab, i added a line for the floppy ( not sure it was correct), but I got an error afterward : dev/fd0 not a valid block device? What is this? How can I fix this; futhermore, could someone please give a step by step process to add a floppy to suse?

Here's my entry in fstab (BTW, I'm using SuSE 8.1 as well):
/dev/fd0 /media/floppy auto noauto,user,sync 0 0

You should already have a /dev/fd0 entry, but check it anyways. It should be "2, 0".

2. I have a HP psc 2210 printer,andI have the hp drivers for linux the hpoj v.90, but I can't configure yast2 printer section to work with the printer. The printer is supported with this version of the driver.
It doesn't appear that your printer is listed in Yast...


3. My system is missing several key folders,for I was going to try and reconfigure my kernel, and I don't have the /linux folder to use the make config command? How do you configure your kernel in suse 8.1?
Isn't this like missing several key organs? What folders are you missing, and shouldn't you fix these first?

As for configuring your kernel (I rarely do this, so caveat reader), start with the How-To:

Old 12-16-2002, 08:08 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2002
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hi rootboy,

thanks for the post, The folders im looking for is in the
/usr/src/linux that is where all the how-to manuels say to start. I dont have this folder.

Also I have no enter at the /dev/fd0 folder, infact i do not have a /dev/fd0 at all, but i do have a /dev/fb ?

So do i need to make a entry? and what excatly do i need to put in it.?

Also are there another program in Suse 8.1 to config the printer with excetp yast?

thansk Again
Old 12-17-2002, 05:35 AM   #4
Registered: Oct 2001
Distribution: Mint 15
Posts: 770

Rep: Reputation: 51
Originally posted by slacker007
hi rootboy,

thanks for the post, The folders im looking for is in the
/usr/src/linux that is where all the how-to manuels say to start. I dont have this folder.
You're welcome

That explains why you can't build your new kernel, this directory (and the 20-40 meg of files that go with it) is where the source code for the linux kernel is stored.

Fire up Yast2 and install the linux kernel sources. That ought to fix it.

Also I have no enter at the /dev/fd0 folder, infact ido not have a /dev/fd0 at all, but i do have a /dev/fb ?

So do i need to make a entry? and what excatly do i need to put in it.?
Now this is weird..., but fixable. "su" to root in a terminal, if you don't know how to do this, simply login as root, do what you need to do, and then log back out ("su" is easy though).

Follow these directions as "root":

1) Type in "cd /dev", hit enter.
2) Type in "mknod /dev/fd0 b 2 0", hit enter.

All done. This will create a new (block) device called "fd0" in /dev. You should be able to use your floppy now.

Don't forget to log out of root.

Also are there another program in Suse 8.1 to config the printer with excetp yast?
Probably not one in Yast, but go here and get the driver for it (I don't know why it isn't listed in Yast, I might of missed it but I don't think so)

thansk Again


Last edited by rootboy; 12-17-2002 at 05:38 AM.
Old 12-17-2002, 07:59 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2002
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Ok, I did the dev/fb0 thing above, but the same error keeps poping up: Not a valid block divice. I also check the /dev folder for the fd0 file and it is in there, I looke at the premission setting and checked them all hoping that might help.

Any more ideas on this?

Ill going to load the kernel when i get back from work. Also would it be possible that my kernel is not setup to use a floppy?

Thanks Again
Old 12-17-2002, 08:38 AM   #6
Registered: Oct 2001
Distribution: Mint 15
Posts: 770

Rep: Reputation: 51
Originally posted by slacker007
Ok, I did the dev/fb0 thing above, but the same error keeps poping up: Not a valid block divice. I also check the /dev folder for the fd0 file and it is in there, I looke at the premission setting and checked them all hoping that might help.

Any more ideas on this?
Ummm, I'm failing fast

Do a "dmesg | grep floppy" and post what comes up here.

Ill going to load the kernel when i get back from work. Also would it be possible that my kernel is not setup to use a floppy?
It should work unless you removed support for the floppy drive when you built the kernel.

Thanks Again

Old 12-18-2002, 05:23 PM   #7
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 11

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Well, Thanks again for you post!

After a week fighing this thing, I decided to let Suse 8.1 go. I installed the Mandrake 9.0, and all is well in linux land. Even the Psc 2210 works perfectly. It actually installed the printer just with a scan. Floppy works great, and it even picked up the cd-rw i have.

I wonder why Mandraked work so well and Suse.8.1 didnt?

Well Thansk for all your help.

Happy Holidays
Old 12-19-2002, 07:12 AM   #8
Registered: Oct 2001
Distribution: Mint 15
Posts: 770

Rep: Reputation: 51
Originally posted by slacker007
Well, Thanks again for you post!

After a week fighing this thing, I decided to let Suse 8.1 go. I installed the Mandrake 9.0, and all is well in linux land. Even the Psc 2210 works perfectly. It actually installed the printer just with a scan. Floppy works great, and it even picked up the cd-rw i have.

I wonder why Mandraked work so well and Suse.8.1 didnt?

Well Thansk for all your help.

Happy Holidays

As for SuSE, it may have been that something got messed up during the install. But if Mandrake works for you, then go with it

Happy Holidays to you too!



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