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Old 05-02-2020, 10:15 AM   #1
Registered: Feb 2020
Posts: 124

Rep: Reputation: 24
Linux RGB-Control Compatability

A little background info:
I'm currently building a new desktop. I'll include a parts list below for the hell of it but what i'm particularly interested in is RGB lighting for my new desktop as I bought the Corair iCUE 465x with RGB fans and a tempered glass sidepanel and I want to have some nice RGB lighting inside.

My main question is this:
If I buy RAM, a motherboard, a coolant radiator, more fans, and all these components have RGB displays will there be some sort of open source software from somewhere like github with which I can control the lighting? Another question I have is will these RGB lights light up and function in some way or another as soon as I turn on the desktop for the first time after I have fully constructed it?

Currently the parts I have bought
Case - Corsair iCUE 465x
PSU - Corsair CX750M
Motherboard - Asus ROG STRIX -f
CPU - AMD Ryzen 3600x
Radiator - TBD
Additional fans - TBD

Thanks and if you guys have any tips with regard to RAM modules or other hardware pieces with RGB that are readily supported for linux that would be great
Old 05-07-2020, 04:36 AM   #2
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Try these links to OpenRGB:

There should be no problem with Linux using RAM from the major manufacturers.

Last edited by beachboy2; 05-07-2020 at 04:40 AM.
1 members found this post helpful.
Old 05-07-2020, 07:27 PM   #3
Registered: Feb 2020
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Originally Posted by beachboy2 View Post

Try these links to OpenRGB:

There should be no problem with Linux using RAM from the major manufacturers.
That's exactly what I've been looking for.

A thousand thanks, my friend
Old 07-27-2020, 10:09 PM   #4
Registered: Feb 2020
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So the long and short answer to my question is this:

Since I used an ASUS motherboard with Aurasync RGB built-in, as soon as I turned on my new desktop, all the RGB components started lighting up in unison and they were effectively controlled by the motherboard. In addition I have a integrated RGB controllers that all my corsair RGB fans are connected to that controls the light functions of the fans. The one downside of all this is that I do not currently have any software compatible with my distro that is capable of controlling the color functions of my RGB carnaval of desktop (lol literally every component has RGB).

For other piece of hardware like my RGB Corsair m65 mouse I was able to use the github software CKB-next to get the mouse to do whatever I want in terms of lighting function but I have not figured out how to do the same with the rest of my computer.

IF you want to have some RGB function with Debian or some other linux build then use an ASUS MOBO because ASUS I've found does have good linux support and the ASUS aurasync will basically make the RGB components on your MOBO work right out of the box.


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