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Old 01-15-2024, 07:10 PM   #1
Registered: Feb 2011
Posts: 61

Rep: Reputation: 4
just finished building a new Gigibite b550m k motherboard with ryzen 55600g

The bios just came on screen and it says
press(DEL) to enter setup
New cpu installed FTPM/PSP NV corupted or FTPM/PSP NV structure Changed
Press Y to reset FTPM, if you have bitlocker or encrypting enabled ,The system will not boot without a recocery key

Press n to keep previous FTPM record and continue system boot. FTPM will not enable in new CPU ,you can swap back to the old CPU to recover TPM related keys and Data

Then it says entering setup (but nothing happens.)

I have MX linux on the hard drive and for what I've read the above directions are for windows.
Old 01-16-2024, 01:28 AM   #2
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Thinking outside of the box, I have an idea. First, do what you can to backup the OS and whole filesystem structure, with something like sysrescue cd, which is not always a cd.

I won't link this, but then, get from microsoft a windows 10 image, but not license. You really are legally supposed to be allowed to run for things like this, dump it on the hard drive, by installing windows 10, and wiping the drive, that's why I had you save it. Then, follow the instructions. DO NOT license windows in this process, it's probably NOT what you WANT.

OK, then replace windows with your previous installation. Great, then you should have a working system assuming you chose compatible hardware and the kernel detects it by itself. I think that would solve the problem.

Do you have enough equipment to do this? You would need an external hard drive at least 1/4 bigger than current hard drive inside machine. You would also need flash drive, and another computer, which can make the flash drive.
Old 01-16-2024, 01:29 AM   #3
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It's this sort of thinking that got me able to convert some images in middle school.
Old 01-16-2024, 11:33 AM   #4
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It seems that the motherboard is complaining about the CPU . Try to enter BIOS setup and reset to factory /default settings and see if taht works.

Good luck
Old 01-16-2024, 12:30 PM   #5
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I had the MSI b-550M with your cpu exactly, and now have the Asrock B-550M m/b.

The Bios have the habit of jumping up and down any time you change anything. If there's an option to 'autodetect' or 'accept defaults' do it.

From Post #1, I would press Y and reset FTPM (whatever that is). Your m/b has apparently been powered with a different cpu, and now is unhappy when it sees yours. I'm not sure what that doers, but I'd take the chance that it will reset itself. If it doesn't like that, it will still offer you some way out.

There should also be the option of powering off, removing the CMOS battery, and joining 2 points electrically on the Motherboard. You will find them in the handbook diagram. That discharges the BIOS and you're back to square 1.

EDIT: FTPM = Firmware Trusted Platform Module. Yeah, I would go for it. I'm not underwriting your bravery, just passing on my opinion.

Last edited by business_kid; 01-16-2024 at 12:35 PM.
Old 01-17-2024, 05:41 PM   #6
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Like you, I had exactly the same problem with an AMD 5 5600G CPU and Gigabyte B550M DS3H motherboard.

I solved the problem quite easily.

My LQ blog gives all the details:


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