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Having trouble installing a piece of hardware? Want to know if that peripheral is compatible with Linux?


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Old 01-10-2005, 12:25 AM   #1
Senior Member
Registered: Aug 2004
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highpoint 3ware sata raid

I have tried to update my conception of SATA RAID controllers but it seems just as confusing as it was about a year ago.

I have a few questions and these are about hardware raid:

1) The theory is, once the RAID array is defined in the BIOS then the install can proceed and after this Linux will only see 1 volume as if it had a normal drive. I fail to understand why then there is still a need to have a module set up or is this module for FAKE HARDWARE RAID? I am confused.

2) I am thinking about using a highpoint hardware sata/raid controller in raid 1 mode (or 3Ware Escalade), is this a really really ..... hardware controller or is it just another "fake"?

3) If the answer to question 2 is yes and, as some suggest, a true hardware controller may
cost $1,000 (true or not?), what should I be looking for?

4) I' am using Fedora C2 but will change to Gentoo or Debian in the future, I don't think that
would make any difference for the data. Am I correct?

Your view is most appreciated.


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