Has ANYONE managed to get an ALS4000 card to work in Red Hat 7.3?
I have one of those dreaded Avance Logic ASOUND EXPRESS (ALS4000) sound cards. It works well in Windows, so I can not really jusitufy replacing it, as much as I would love to.
I have tried and tried to get it to work, tried to install the ALSA drives and even the trial OSS drivers bit no go.
It was a while since I have tried, and I have been very busy since then, but as far as I can remember I didn't manage to compile the drivers (for ALSA) nor for OSS, something would always crap out.
I am using Red Hat 7.3 and I am not going to upgrade to 8.0 anytime soon (probably not before 8.1 comes out). What I want to know is simply this:
Has anyone installed this particular card (ALS4000) in Red Hat 7.3, does it work, and what HOWTO or guide or whatever did you follow to get it installed???
Thanks for any replies, BTW I did search the forum, and did find some topics relating to this but it didn't solve any of my problems.