here's my question...
i just recently bought a ecs nforce4m-a motherboard.. in fact- here he is...
many recommend flashing the bios on this board right away due to the bios being outdated.. ecs just put out a new bios for it recently- so i'm about to flash.. & to be extra helpful to anyone out there- here's how to flash your bios, for linux without a floppy drive...
-so.. i got my disk made up- i'm ready... shut everything down- turn it all off.. look for jumpers it talks about in the manual... no jumper- just 3 metal nubs that are marked 'bios-wp' (like the manaul says..) 2 of them are sowdered together... these are not jumpers...this is stuff that's part of the board... check again for setting in bios to do a flash.. there's a 'system bios cacheable' setting in the bios... is that it? how to i get this thing ready to flash- stereo wire and a blow torch?
=any help would be awesome- thanks...