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Old 03-09-2006, 10:25 AM   #1
Registered: Mar 2005
Distribution: FC, Gentoo
Posts: 276

Rep: Reputation: 30
external enclosure for an internal hard drive vs external USB hard drive

What is the pros and cons of using an external USB enclosure for an internal hard drive comparing with an external USB hard drive?

Something I can think of:
External enclosure for an internal hard drive
- more choice for hard drive
- more flexibility - the same drive can also be used internally

I want to decide whether to buy an external enclosure for an internal hard drive or an external USB hard drive?

Last edited by powah; 03-09-2006 at 10:27 AM.
Old 03-10-2006, 10:03 AM   #2
Senior Member
Registered: Jul 2005
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From what I've seen and read about them, both use pretty much the same idea - an enclosure with an internal drive mounted inside. The difference is that ones that are marketed as external drives aren't designed to be opened to swap drives. It's probably easy to do, but it's not the intention of the design.

- more choice for hard drive
- more flexibility - the same drive can also be used internally
To add to this:
- get a full-height encloure (5.25") and you can even use optical drives in it.
- get a 2.5" -> 3.5" IDE adapter and you can mount laptop hard drives, too.


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