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Old 12-07-2002, 09:29 AM   #1
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: Halifax, UK
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 36

Rep: Reputation: 15
Ethernet, Modem, Soundcard

I am using RedHat 8.0, and I had a lot of trouble installing it on my computer, so installed it on my friends, and then reconfigured all the hardware for my computer. KUDZU succesfully noticed all the changes, and i thought it was all running perfectly, until i tried to set up my network, now it says that it cannot activate device eth0, and it wont detect either of my modems in Gnome, (Intel HAM Internal, Psion Dacom Surfer External), both of which i know are compatiable, how do i add them so they work? The intel one is recognised as unknown manufacturer: unknown product i think in KUDZU, but not in Gnome at all.

And also my soundcard is succesfully detected yet no sound is made when i play the test sound, so i looked in the gnome mixer, and it told me that i either didnt have permission to access /dev/mixer or i didnt have sound support in my kernel, so i changed the permissions, and that failed, so i assume i need to change the kernel,which i dont know how to do.

Can anyone help please?
Old 12-07-2002, 03:46 PM   #2
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: Halifax, UK
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 36

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15
I believe i have had partial success, i found this website, and there i found out how to install my modem, the link to the zip file doesnt work, but i managed to locate it elsewhere, but i have no idea how to install it, i have got as far as stage 7, does anyone know what it means, which files need to be where, and what needs to be changed to make it work.

It is for kernel 2.2.x i believe, and mine is much newer than that, will it still work


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