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Old 05-02-2003, 12:49 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2003
Distribution: Gentoo 2004.0 (amd64)
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Dual Head Xinerama combined with Traditional mode


I've figured out how to use 2 monitors on my Ti4600 in xinerama mode and have a second video card (MX400) setup for TV output.
The second card is in traditional mode to the nvidia xinerama setup.

I use Suse 8.2 with the latest nvidia drivers.
I have one xsession 'stretched' desktop on my monitors, and another xsession on the tvout of my MX400.

Now, I want to start a movie on the second X session.
So I start konqueror because I want to browse to my movie file, but the konqueror window opens on the first xsession. Not the xsession from where it's opened.
Why is that, and how do I fix that?

Thnx in advance,
Old 05-02-2003, 12:55 PM   #2
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by default it will try to connect to :0 unless it has a reason to do otherwise, normally the DISPLAY= variable should be set and read accoringly, if not though you can normally set it in a number of ways per program:

mplayer -display :1 film.avi


DISPLAY=:1 mplayer film.avi


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