can't get DDR 3200 run any higher then 2100? want hep!
I have generic 3200 DDR ram, and I just looked into my bios, and it said first "system memory 512 (DDR 400), but I looked at the speed and it said it was running at only 266 Mhz(?) When I pulled it out and put it back in it said at the start up, "couldn't find PGF (or something similar to that) data, running at slowest speed 266Mhz", it not exactly correct but it said along the lines of that. Im not impressed, cause I bought a new graphics card, thinkin my old one couldn't handle my emulated game (counter-strike). I tried to change it but it doesn't change. Is ther something wrong with my motherboard, RAM, or is that linux (or my kernel) can't support my ram?
this is what i have... Celeron 2.0Ghz, 512Mbs of 3200 ram (generic), Intel 865GBF mohterboard, which wupports up to 3200 ram, and a GeForce 2 MX 400 64Mbs, and RedHatLinux 9 stock kernel 2.4.20-8.
by the way it was running at its fullest DDR400 on another motherboard (a shuttle mainboard) and it was running windows, so it shouldn't be my ram? Is ther a command showing me how fast my Hardware is going? Thanx in advanc...